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Animal welfare minister meets food trade


VGT full slatted floor protests from West to East.

Vienna (OTS) – The food trade has a massive influence on Austrian agriculture. And that for decades. This is what the VGT is calling attention to in this week of action. Protests in front of Austrian SPAR establishments are to point out the problem: animal suffering is on the shelves!

Today, Tierschützer:innen demonstrate in front of SPAR branches in Dornbirn (headquarters) and Salzburg (main headquarters) – Innsbruck, Vienna and other places will follow. The SPAR chain is market leader and jointly responsible for the horror in the Austrian pigsties. For many years the VGT already makes attentive on the completely artwidrige attitude in the Austrian animal factories. SPAR has not really reacted so far. Under Gerhard Drexel the TANN meat factories (SPAR) were expanded, the animal suffering worsened in Austria. Whether under the new SPAR boss Fritz Poppmeier something changes, on Friday will show up. There the large ones of the food retail trade with the animal protection minister Johannes smoke meet. The goal is an industry solution, a commitment to reduce animal suffering.

The VGT demands an immediate [labeling agreement by attitude] (, so that the Konsument:innen can make conscious purchase decisions. A further step should be the delisting of the full split floor meat, a gradual reduction until the final exit.

David Richter of the VGT: “We look forward to Friday with excitement. Together, the food trade could agree, mediated by Minister Rauch, to reduce animal suffering in Austria quickly and massively. No matter how the negotiations end: we will continue to draw attention to the lives and suffering of pigs, also in the interests of the Austrian population!”

Further protests in front of SPAR stores were announced for 21.6. in Innsbruck (14:00 SPAR Museumsstraße 16) and 22.6. in Vienna (INTERSPAR Schottengasse 7-9).

[Press photos]

Full column demo in front of SPAR Innsbruck

Protests in front of Austrian SPAR establishments are to point out the
problem: animal suffering is on the shelves!

Date: 21.6.2022, 14:00 – 16:00
Location: SPAR Innsbruck
Museumstraße 16, 6020 Innsbruck

VGT – Association against animal factories
David judge
0664 2414151
[email protected]

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