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Bundesrat approves 2022 budget with 139 billion euros in new borrowing


You can find the original article here: Bundesrat approves 2022 budget with 139 billion euros in new borrowing

The Bundesrat has approved the federal budget for 2022, which provides for new borrowing of around 139 billion euros. At its meeting in Berlin on Friday, the chamber of the Länder refrained from appealing to the mediation committee; this concludes the parliamentary procedure for adopting the 496-billion-euro budget.

The borrowing is based on an exception to the debt brake. The German government justifies this with additional costs due to the Corona pandemic and the Ukraine war. According to announcements by Finance Minister Christian Lindner (FDP), it intends to comply with the debt brake again on a regular basis from 2023.

This time, the budget was passed much later than usual because of the federal election and the change of government.

Copyright/SourceFLASH UP/AFP

Watch the full article Bundesrat approves 2022 budget with 139 billion euros in new loans and the video about it here on FLASH UP!


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