“ÖVP and Greens are driving Austrians into poverty with their irresponsible ‘sanctionitis'”
Vienna (OTS) – “ÖVP and Greens, together with SPÖ and Neos, are leading our population and our economy into disaster with their eyes wide open – and all this just to get pats on the back within the EU. The ÖVP and the Greens are not only driving our country further and further into a wave of inflation, they have also sacrificed the security of supply of our own population and our own economy for it. Enough is enough with the stalling tactics and empty promises. I call on the federal government to explain itself to the public on Thursday in the course of the special session: Where do we really stand, what are the respective scenarios for the coming months and what plans are ready for the individual cases? That is probably the least that Austrians can expect from the government,” said today FPÖ federal party chairman Klubobmann NAbg. Herbert Kickl. “The best solution that the ÖVP and the Greens can offer the Austrians in the course of an explanation is: out the knee-jerk sanctions and in new elections,” Kickl continued.
“The sanctions are having an effect – but unfortunately in the wrong direction. They are a boomerang. Russia itself has already found other buyers for gas and oil. And if the Green minister wants to ‘save’ the energy supply in Austria by reactivating a coal-fired power plant, then we know that our country is on the brink. What comes next? Will we reactivate Zwentendorf? Will the ÖVP and the Greens legally limit the permitted gas consumption per citizen?” wondered Kickl. He added that the fact that electricity produced with coal has twice the CO2 emissions of electricity produced from natural gas also shows how intelligence-free the planned reactivation of the power plant in Mellach in southern Styria is. If CO2 pricing really comes into effect from October, then this electricity from coal would be particularly expensive for end consumers. Kickl: “This is one punitive energy policy expedition for customers.”
“ÖVP and Greens are driving Austrians into poverty with their irresponsible ‘sanctionitis’, they are destroying the laboriously built up prosperity and tens of thousands of jobs without any need. A government, which works in such a way against the interests of the own population, understood its task wrongly and should of itself the hat take , held FPÖ federal party chairman Klubobmann NAbg. Herbert Kickl finally.
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