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Antenne Steiermark has done it again


This year, Antenne Steiermark did everything right again and won an Austrian Event Award in bronze. This time with the first live concert after the lockdown.

Graz (OTS) – In spring 2021, Antenne Steiermark launched a major campaign: Antenne Steiermark Glücklichmacher. Listeners:inside could send in here their heart’s desires with the transmitter, these were fulfilled then after possibility. “One of the most frequent wishes sent in was that of being able to experience a live concert again,” reports Manuel Krispl, Head of Marketing at Antenne Steiermark and Antenne Kärnten. Thus one set oneself the task of fulfilling this desire with announcement of the Lockdown end.

When the Lockdown end was announced with 19. May, one set all lever in motion, in order to make this concert possible. Within a very short time, a perfect partner was found in the Graz venues and a perfect location in the Orpheum, and shortly thereafter artists signed up for this event via social media: The Styrian band Alle Achtung was immediately on fire:
“I didn’t even ask my bandmates, but immediately accepted on behalf of everyone,” reveals Max Bieder from Alle Achtung. Also singer JOSH was immediately with it together with volume.

A total of 300 Antenne Steiermark listeners were drawn from the registrations, who were allowed to attend the concert – in compliance with all given safety measures – and enjoy the first live concert after 197 days of Lockdown.

And it was precisely this commitment and the team effort of all involved that was awarded bronze at this year’s Austrian Event Award! Antenne Steiermark took third place in the category “Corporate Public Events”. “I am very proud that we were able to prove again this year that Antenne Steiermark is more than just a radio station”, Manuel Krispl, Marketing Manager of Antenne Steiermark and Antenne Kärnten, is visibly pleased about the award.

Gottfried Bichler, Managing Director of Antenne, is also enthusiastic about the team achievement: “Antenne Glücklichmacher still exists. This campaign, and especially its highlight – the Glücklichmacher concert – thrives on everyone working together. This concert showed what we as Antenne can achieve together with our partners and our listeners. Special thanks go to Bernhard Rinner, managing director of Theaterholding Graz, who immediately agreed with the professional team of the Graz Orpheum to organize this unique event. That this effort is then also rewarded, I am particularly pleased!”

More over the concert and also the Aftermovie to the Nachsehen gives it on!

Manuel Krispl
marketing line
Antenne Steiermark & Antenne Kärnten

Antenne Steiermark
regional radio GmbH & CO kg
Gadollaplatz 1
8010 Graz
T: +43 316 8090 31144
M: +43 664 855 1144
[email protected]

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