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Fonds Zukunft Österreich strengthens cutting-edge research in Austria


40 million euros for the Austrian Science Fund FWF’s funding portfolio.

Vienna (OTS/The Austrian Science Fund FWF) – The Austrian Science Fund FWF applied to the Fonds Zukunft Österreich for funding for several funding opportunities to strengthen cutting-edge research. Now it is certain: 40 million euros from the Fonds Zukunft Österreich have been earmarked for the FWF’s funding portfolio. With a total endowment of around €146 million, the Fonds Zukunft Österreich is providing an important boost for Austria as a research location.

“Today’s announcement of the distributions from the Fonds Zukunft Österreich is particularly good news for researchers in Austria. It allows us to set new accents in research funding, continue forward-looking funding offers and also expand cooperation with other funding institutions. Fonds Zukunft Österreich provides an important impetus for further strengthening science and research in Austria and brings us another step closer to the goals of the RTI Strategy 2030,” said Christof Gattringer, President of the Austrian Science Fund FWF, commenting on the investments of Fonds Zukunft Österreich announced today by the National Foundation for Research, Technology and Development.

The Future Austria Fund is the successor to the National Foundation established by the federal government. The Austrian Science Fund FWF will allocate the funds along the strategic priorities of the Fonds Zukunft Österreich in its funding portfolio, including the promotion of young researchers, the expansion of national and European collaborations, and selected future topics.

The Austrian Science Fund FWF

The Austrian Science Fund FWF is Austria’s leading organization for open-topic funding of basic research as well as artistic and scientific research. In an international peer-review process, the FWF promotes those researchers and ideas that are groundbreaking due to their scientific quality. The insights gained strengthen Austria as a research nation and lay a broad foundation for better meeting future societal challenges.

The Austrian Science Fund FWF
Marc Seumenicht
Deputy Head of Communications, Press Officer
+43-1 505 67 40 – 8111
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@FWF_at | @FWFOpenAccess

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