World Continence Day on 30.6. informs and shows options for action
Vienna (OTS) – If the urge to urinate or defecate can no longer be controlled, this often leads to physical and psychological problems for those affected.
Although about 1 million Austrians suffer from it, incontinence is considered a taboo subject in our society. This is precisely where World Continence Day, which takes place every year on June 30, comes in: It aims to inform, remove taboos and raise awareness of options for action. Because a lot can be done to maintain continence.
At the continence consultation of the Vienna Social Fund (FSW), for example, specially trained employees provide information unbureaucratically, free of charge and, if desired, anonymously. “There are so many ways to improve one’s situation or even cure incontinence. There is no need to be ashamed. We want to encourage those affected to seek help. If the way to the advice center is nevertheless too large a hurdle, we come however also gladly free of charge for consultation at home , so Claudia Ilgner, chief of the FSW Kontinenzberatung.
New: counseling is expanded
Affected persons now also benefit from free counseling at the FSW Day Center Baumgarten (Seckendorfstraße 1, 1140 Vienna). There they receive all necessary information and comprehensive support: Through bladder, toilet and pelvic floor training (guided by the interdisciplinary therapist team on site) their own situation can be improved quickly.
The consultations take place by appointment every 1st and 3rd Tuesday of the month between 1 and 4 p.m. at the Day Center. 01/24 5 24 – 30 140 or [[email protected]] (mailto:[email protected]).
More information in the free professional brochure
or at:
Continence counseling
Personal counseling by telephone appointment:
Mon – Fri from 8:00 – 15:00
[Guglgasse 7-9 (Stiege A, 2. Stock), 1030 Wien]
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Tel: 01/24 5 24 – 30 400
E-mail advice: [[email protected]] (mailto:[email protected])
Iraides Franz
Press spokeswoman Fonds Soziales Wien
0676 8289 206 78
[email protected]
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