ÖVP Klubobmann: New university creates modern structures and future-oriented methods in research and teaching.
Vienna (OTS) – “Upper Austria is not only an important pacemaker for the Austrian economic engine and location, but also for research and innovation. Here, digitalization in particular plays a key role for the future, which must continue to be strengthened and expanded. In the area of education and training, the so-called MINT subjects – mathematics, information technology, natural sciences and technology – are the necessary basis for this. The establishment of a new university in Linz will create modern structures and future-oriented methods in research and teaching. As a digital university, the Institute of Digital Sciences Austria is intended to be both a scientific lighthouse project and an innovative driving force for the location,” stated August Wöginger, chairman of the Austrian People’s Party (ÖVP), today, Wednesday, at the meeting of the Science Committee. The corresponding government bill was adopted today with the votes of ÖVP, Greens and FPÖ.
The aim of the university is also to combine the dimension of digitalization with the discussion of the climate crisis, climate targets and other major issues. Study operations are to start gradually from the beginning of the 2023/24 academic year with the establishment of a PhD program, the Upper Austrian mandatary emphasized.
“A qualified, well-educated workforce is a cornerstone of competitiveness and a successful economy. This applies to Austria as well as to Upper Austria and the regions. In this context, it is important to have a forward-looking policy that creates solid framework conditions for securing jobs, strengthening companies and increasing prosperity. The key to this lies in further development and support in the areas of education, research and development, and innovation. With the planned new university in Linz, Linz, Upper Austria and all of Austria will continue to gain in academic quality and infrastructure in equal measure.”
“In Parliament, we are working together with the federal government with all our might to move our country forward in the best possible way. Strengthening Austria’s competitiveness is crucial for this. That is why we are spending more money on education and research. We are investing in the future,” Wöginger continued.
The federal funds for the new facility will be allocated via a performance agreement. However, the first construction steps in the years 2022 to 2023 will be carried out with the cooperation of the University of Linz, which will receive additional financial resources for this purpose. The future financing of the new university will not be at the expense of the 22 public universities, but will be additional. (end)
Press Office of the ÖVP Parliamentary Club
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