On July 23 at 5:30 p.m. on ORF 2
Vienna (OTS) – Christine Reiler presents the following contributions in the ORF health magazine “Bewusst gesund” on Saturday, July 23, 2022, at 17:30 in ORF 2:
Irritable bowel syndrome – Dit gives hope
Under an irritable bowel syndrome one understands in general complaints of the digestive tract, which no ascertainable pathological organ change is the basis. The disease is therefore difficult to diagnose and sufferers usually have a very high level of suffering. Symptoms such as abdominal pain, flatulence, constipation or diarrhea plague most people. The disease is not life-threatening, but the quality of life is often severely restricted and 60 percent of those affected also suffer from depression. A special form of nutrition, the “Low Fodmap Diet,” is intended to help sufferers get a grip on their symptoms. Design: Vroni Brix
“Consciously healthy” tip: ECG-EEG
The electrocardiogram, or ECG for short, measures the electrical processes of the heart’s actions. The heartbeat is triggered by an electrical impulse and then spreads along the heart muscle via the so-called impulse conduction system. This weak electrical current provides information about arrhythmias, circulatory disorders or a heart attack. The electroencephalogram, EEG, also measures electrical currents, but those of the cerebral cortex. EEG is used to diagnose neurological disorders, especially epilepsy, inflammation of the brain or sleeping sickness.
Sexual health: What do I want?
Summer is the time to get out of the daily grind. It’s easy to feel your own needs and express them. With sexuality, it’s quite different; the topic is heavily charged with shame, taboos and expectations, so many don’t even know what their own needs and desires are. Yet sexual health is an important factor in overall health. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), sexuality is closely linked to well-being and quality of life. In three parts, “Consciously Healthy” is dedicated to this topic this summer. Sex adviser Nicole Siller gives Tipps for the stabilization of the sexual authority and informs, how one can “learn” to define and also communicate the own dreams, longings and desires.
Comfrey – The name says it all
With comfrey, nature offers a plant that has been valued as a natural remedy for thousands of years. Today it is known that the root of comfrey contains the most active ingredients, especially allantoin. This ingredient promotes granulation during wound healing, i.e. the formation of new tissue, and also has an anti-irritant and anti-inflammatory effect. Comfrey is mainly used in the form of ointments for musculoskeletal injuries. Design: Tommy Schmidle
Peter Habeler – mountains as a fountain of youth
It has been 44 years since mountaineer Peter Habeler made alpine history when, together with Reinhold Messner, he climbed the world’s highest mountain, the 8,848-meter-high Mount Everest, for the first time without artificial oxygen. But this summit success was only one of many. Spectacular first ascents in the Rocky Mountains, difficult climbs in the Alps, such as the north face of the Eiger, as well as other 8,000-meter peaks were achieved by the Tyrolean extreme mountaineer. A good 40 years later, the Zillertal native no longer climbs 8,000-meter peaks, but he is still out and about in the mountains and climbing almost every day. On July 22, he celebrates his 80th birthday. His secret recipe for staying fit is exercise in nature. Design: Sabine Aigner
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