Skimming off Wien Energie’s surplus and giving it to the Viennese people
Vienna (OTS) – Pleased testifies the Viennese FPÖ leader, City Councilor Dominik Nepp, about the proposal of SPÖ finance spokesman Jan Krainer, who now also demands a skimming of the excess profits of energy companies. “We have already made this demand to Mayor Ludwig in the course of the Vienna financial statements, because the profit of Wien Energie of 510 million euros in 2020 has almost doubled in 2021 to 912 million euros and would have to be paid back immediately to the Viennese. The parent company of Wien Energie, Wiener Stadtwerke, also made a profit of still 250 million euros this year. We therefore demand a resolution that these profits be skimmed off and paid out in a special pot in the budget. We speak here of approximately 1.2 billion euro, thus for each Viennese 600 euro per year , summarize Nepp again.
The libertarian calls on Krainer to take his party colleague Ludwig to task in this regard: “In order to relieve the Viennese, action must be taken where it is possible for us. To always talk out of the federal government – as the red mayor is only too happy to do – shows political weakness. In times of the large emergency an unacceptable condition , concludes Nepp.
FPÖ Vienna
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