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Good grades are (too) expensive. Upper Austrian parents pay 11.5 million euros annually for tutoring


Press conference

Linz (OTS) – Schools lack staff, money and comprehensive all-day childcare options. Even during the vacations, thousands of children in Upper Austria need expensive tutoring. In view of the current wave of inflation, many families can no longer afford it. At a press conference on Wednesday, July 27, 2022, at 9 a.m. at the Linz Chamber of Labor, Volksgartenstrasse 40, 4020 Linz, Seminar Room 3, 5th floor, we will present a recent IFES study commissioned by AK Upper Austria that shows:

Good grades are (too) expensive. Upper Austrian parents pay 11.5 million euros a year for tutoring

AK President Andreas Stangl and the Head of the Education, Youth and Culture Department, Mag.a Bernadette Hauer, will be available to talk to you. They will present you the most important results of the study and the demands of the AK Upper Austria to the educational policy in the federal and state governments. We look forward to your participation in the press conference, this is also possible online. You can register via this [link]

Good grades are (too) expensive. Upper Austrian parents pay
11.5 million euros annually for tutoring

AK President Andreas Stangl
and the Head of the Department of Education, Youth and Culture, Mag.a
Bernadette Hauer, will be available as discussion partners.

Date: 27.7.2022, at 09:00
Location: Chamber of Labour Upper Austria Seminar Room 3, 5th floor or
Volksgartenstraße 40, 4020 Linz

Chamber of Labor Upper Austria, Communications
Mag. Dominik Bittendorfer
+43 (0)50 6906-2191
[email protected]

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The article Good grades are (too) expensive. Upper Austrian parents pay 11.5 million euros annually for tutoring appeared first on TOP News Austria – News from Austria and around the world.


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