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Hernals: “VOLXkino” shows political satire “Curveball” on 22.7.


Information: Phone 0676/35 122 42 and e-mail [email protected]

Vienna (OTS/RK) – The 2022 season of the traveling cinema “VOLXkino”, which has now been in existence for 33 years, started on Wednesday, May 25 and will continue until Thursday, September 15. As eh and ever also this year in parks, next municipal buildings, on places and at other places, from the belt to the outskirts, one plays. The next open-air performances: On Friday, July 22, starting at 9 p.m., the mobile “VOLXkino” in the 17th district at Dornerplatz presents the film “Curveball – Wir machen die Wahrheit” (DE 2020, directed by Johannes Naber). The flick centers on an asylum seeker from Iraq who allegedly participated in a covert bioweapons project and a secret service man from Germany. In this political satire, an imaginary story becomes reality and has enormous repercussions. Admission is free. Further information: Phone 0676/35 122 42, e-mail [[email protected]] (mailto:[email protected]).

Also on Dornerplatz, the ambulant “VOLXkino” will perform the drama “The Land of My Father” (FR/BE 2019, director: Edouard Bergeon, original version, German subtitles) on Saturday, July 23, starting at 9:00 pm. Viewers take part in the story of a French family in the countryside. In managing his father’s farm, Pierre, the successor, has to face enormous problems. Admission to the open-air cinema evening is free of charge.

Information about the traveling cinema on the Internet:
[] (

The current Corona rules apply to all screenings. The operation of the traveling cinema is organized in the traditional manner by the association “VOLXkino – Association for the Promotion of Artistic Activities”. The colorful cinema calendar spans from feature films to documentaries and short films. One of the main focuses is on the works of local filmmakers. During the summer tour through Vienna, the “VOLXkino” troupe cooperates with cultural institutions, area support offices, youth centers and other partners. Admission is traditionally free. The city sponsors the project. Worth knowing over the traveling “VOLXkino” publishes the association in the Internet: [] (

General information:

* Events in the 17th district:

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PID City Hall Correspondence
Press and Information Service of the City of Vienna (MA 53)
Oskar Enzfelder, City Editor
[email protected]

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