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Scientific vegetation mapping confirms the high value of the Hohe Tauern National Park


Großkirchheim; Matrei; Mittersill (OTS) – Together with Federal Representative SC Christian Holzer (representing Climate Protection Minister Leonore Gewessler BA), Salzburg Provincial Councilor Mag. a Daniela Gutschi and Deputy Provincial Governor Mag. a Ingrid Felipe (Tyrol), Council President Provincial Councilor Mag. a Sara Schaar (Carinthia) presented the results of vegetation mapping in the Hohe Tauern National Park in the course of the 27th meeting of the National Park Council. The internationally recognized protected area is given a good report.

Vegetation mapping: 92% of the area with the highest nature conservation value

Since 2011, the Hohe Tauern National Park has focused its high mountain research on long-term studies and monitoring programs under the motto “Only what you know, you can protect”. This includes large-scale vegetation mapping in the years 2020 – 2021, during which data were collected in 180 field days on 9% of the national park area in the Seebachtal (Carinthia), Sulzbachtäler wilderness area (Salzburg) and Innergschlöß (Tyrol). The final report, which is now available, attests the national park a pleasing result: 92 % of the surveyed area was recorded as areas with the highest nature conservation value level and was assessed with a very good conservation status in 80 % of the areas. Numerous plant species, some of which are rare, such as the riparian tamarisk, the Fleischer’s willowherb or the two-colored sedge, and habitats once again demonstrated the high level of biodiversity in the national park in the course of the mapping.

“These valuable findings and results flow into the national park management or the national park plan, which is currently being newly created. They provide us with a valuable basis for the development of the protected area and decisions with our partners. The Hohe Tauern National Park with its natural and cultural landscape is largely located on privately owned land. Only through good cooperation with all stakeholders in the region is it possible to preserve areas of such importance for nature conservation so well,” says Council Chairwoman Sara Schaar confidently.

The National Park Council as the highest decision-making body
initiates transnational projects

In addition to research agendas, which only make sense across national borders, joint educational and natural area management projects are also carried out. The successful international bearded vulture reintroduction project started in 1986 in the Hohe Tauern National Park. In the meantime, the bearded vultures have become well established and since 2010, open-air breeding has been recorded on a regular basis.

The beauty and uniqueness of the national park is not only brought closer to the population via the homepage, social media and the national park magazine, which is published twice a year. People should identify with the topics, values, projects and contents of the Hohe Tauern National Park through targeted knowledge transfer.

Hohe Tauern National Park Council
Mag. Helene Mattersberger
Kirchplatz 2, 9971 Matrei in Osttirol
Tel: 04875 5161-0, 0664 2516166

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