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Self-help: new offers, but personal meetings


LR Eichtinger: In self-help, personal conversations have a very high value

St. Pölten (OTS) – “The COVID 19 pandemic has left its mark on all of us and shown how important social contacts are. In self-help, personal conversations have long had a very high value. Even though the pandemic has brought about many a change, personal exchange in self-help remains in the foreground,” emphasizes Provincial Councilor Martin Eichtinger.

“Self-help thrives on the exchange of experiences and information. The umbrella organization of Lower Austrian self-help has been supporting leaders of self-help groups in their work for more than 20 years, so that they can promote personal exchange – even in times of a pandemic,” says Ronald Söllner, Chairman of the Board of the umbrella organization Lower Austrian self-help, whose operation is supported by NÖGUS and the Province of Lower Austria, among others.

COVID-19 presented self-help groups with numerous challenges that led to changes. For example, although it was in principle permissible for self-help groups to meet, many groups could not hold their meetings at the usual locations. Some groups had to suspend meetings, for some of them this reduced the number of participants, for others it did not. Some looked for new places to meet. Other groups used video conferencing systems, reaching out to new age groups. Some groups had more inquiries than usual and others relied on broad information dissemination. Self-help group search at

For more information, call 0676/81216536, Christine Exl-Haiderer, Bakk., and e-mail [email protected]

Office of the Niederösterreichischen federal state government
Landesamtsdirektion/public relations
Ing. Mag. Johannes Seiter
[email protected]

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