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SPÖ wants to finance electricity price cap with excess profits tax – Krainer: “Crisis profiteers should pay”.


Vienna (OTS/SK) – SPÖ finance spokesman Jan Krainer renews his party’s demand to skim off the excess profits of energy companies. “In the current inflation crisis, there are very many losers* and some winners*. Households are paying many billions of euros more for energy. What households pay too much directly increases the profits of energy producers and suppliers,” says Krainer. These excess profits should be skimmed off and returned to households. Krainer points out that ÖVP Finance Minister Brunner himself says that the planned electricity price subsidy costs “an extreme amount of money” and that “someone has to pay for it.” ****

The financing question is very important from the point of view of the SPÖ and it can be answered very easily and clearly. “Of course, the crisis profiteers have to pay it, who don’t even know where to put the billions anymore, while ordinary people are afraid whether they will still be able to heat the apartment in the coming winter,” says Krainer.

Why the ÖVP nevertheless rejects the excess profits tax, Krainer can “not explain logically, but only ideologically”, especially since the skimming off of excess profits is both socially and economically correct. (Conclusion) wf/bj

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