Solo winner in the Joker – in Carinthia someone rejoices over 316,000 euros
Vienna (OTS) – No sixes brought the Lotto bonus drawing of Friday. More than 540,000 euros remain in the pot. The jackpot, which will be played next Sunday, is about 1.1 million in the sixes.
A jackpot is also at stake in the Five with bonus number, as no player had ticked the correct numbers for this winning rank. There is currently more than 74,000 euros in the pot.
300,000 Euro bonus
Lotto bonus draw means that an additional bonus is played out. The owner of the receipt number 67677 68922 can look forward to 300,000 euros. The receipt was played in Lower Austria. The bonus prize was raffled among all tips playing in the draw.
With LottoPlus there was a sixer. The lucky winner can look forward to more than 183,000 euros. The receipt was given in Lower Austria. With the LottoPlus Sechser of the next round it goes around 150,000 euro.
Finally, there was a betting slip with the correct Joker number. This was found on a EuroMillions Quicktipp receipt played in Carinthia. There is more than 316,000 euros for this.
Lotto odds of the draw of Friday, August 12, 2022
JP Sixes remain in the pot EUR 540,209.67 – 1.1 million
JP Fives+ZZ remain in the pot EUR 74,278.82
45 Fives at EUR 1,800.60 each
138 Fours+ZZ at EUR 176.10 each
2.457 Fours at EUR 54.90 each
3,950 Threes+ZZ at EUR 15.30 each
42,551 Threes at EUR 5.70 each
167,547 Supplementary number alone at EUR 1.20 each
Lotto winning numbers: 5 24 28 37 38 43 Supplementary number 3
LottoPlus odds of the draw on Friday, 12. August 2022
1 Sixes at 183,029.30
38 Fives at EUR 1,128.20 each
1,894 Fours at EUR 20.20 each
30,732 Threes at EUR 2.00 each
LottoPlus winning numbers: 1 5 11 20 35 41
Joker odds of the draw from Friday, August 12. August 2022
1 Joker, in the pot remain EUR 316,081.50
11 times EUR 8,800.00
74 times EUR 880.00
740 times EUR 88.00
7,577 times EUR 8.00
77,602 times EUR 1.80
Joker number: 6 3 1 2 6 7
Austrian Lotteries
Gerlinde Wohlauf
01 / 790 70 / 31920
0664 38 00 292
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