Freedom Party spokesman on defense sees Austria’s military neutrality thereby called into question
Vienna (OTS) – As reported by the “Kronen Zeitung”, howitzers from Austria are being used in the Ukraine conflict. These were sold to Latvia in 2017 after an elaborate upgrade with Austrian know-how. Latvia, in turn, has now delivered these weapons to Ukraine. As the Ukrainian defense minister pointed out in a tweet, these howitzers were already achieving “results on the battlefield.” For FPÖ defense spokesman NAbg. Reinhard Bösch, this raises several questions: “How can it happen that neutral Austria indirectly supplies a warring party with weapons here? Was there an internationally customary clause in the 2017 sale under SPÖ Defense Minister Doskozil that prohibited the resale by Latvia, or was this waived – for whatever reason?”
He added that it should not be the case that a neutral country like Austria is now being dragged into this war by arms deals from the past. The sale of the self-propelled howitzers in 2017 was already a bad deal, he said. The equipment had been completely overhauled and further developed with Austrian armaments know-how before being sold to Latvia, he said. “The sale itself was already a loss-making business, because our armed forces could have put this type of weapon to good use. But the fact that these howitzers are now being used in the Ukraine conflict reflects disastrously on our neutral country. I demand from defense minister Tanner therefore full clearing-up to the well-known circumstance , so FPÖ Wehrsprecher NAbg. pure hard Bösch finally.
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