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Lehner: SVS with constant and solid cash flow development for the next years


Vienna (OTS) – “The forecast of the management of the SVS shows a constant and stable development for the next five years. The current preview for 2022 foresees a loss of 22.7 million euros for the health insurance division, and a plus of 14.5 million euros is expected for 2023,” explains Peter Lehner, chairman of the Social Insurance of the Self-Employed.

The final result for the 2021 financial year shows a net profit of 115 million euros for the health insurance division. “The result is the consequence of the one-off effect in the financing of the health insurance institutions. These are based on the previous year’s premium income. In 2020, revenues were decimated due to corona,” explains Dr. Hans Aubauer, SVS Director General. “The reason for the projected loss of 22.7 million euros in the current year, is the investment in the large, strategic prevention campaign ‘Geimpft Gesünder’ (Vaccinated Healthier), in which the SVS pays out a 100-euro bonus to its insureds who provide evidence of holistic vaccination protection,” explains Lehner.

The forecast for 2023 currently calls for a plus of 14.6 million euros, for 2024 one of 33.1 million euros, for 2025 a positive result with 39.8 million euros and for 2026 a plus of 38.3 million euros. “The largest expenditure items in 2022 is hospital financing with 615 million euros. 578 million euros will be spent on “medical aid” and 439 million euros will finance remedies for the insured,” Lehner continues.

Social insurance of the self-employed
SVS Newsroom
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