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Petition of the vida trade union on care reform: home helpers need help


Federal government risks excellent quality in health, long-term care and social care sector by valuing employees

Vienna (OTS) – “Whoever favors one occupational group and leaves others behind, destroys the good cooperation in the health, social and long-term care sector. The federal government is putting the excellent quality of the facilities at risk,” comments Gerald Mjka, Chairman of the Health Department of the vida trade union, on the care reform presented by the federal government. He said the government is deliberately excluding all other occupational groups in the health, social and long-term care sector from structural improvements, except for the nursing professions. “However, the health, social and long-term care sector consists of countless wheels that mesh perfectly. For years, however, the government has been more interested in marketing and producing newspaper headlines at the expense of colleagues instead of seriously improving working conditions across the board,” trade unionist Mjka continues, referring to petitions initiated by vida and a Viennese works councilor with the aim of drawing attention to this extremely unjust and unsolidary plan as part of the care reform.

The government forgot, for example, about home care aids. “Colleagues in home help are desperately sought on the labor market, just like the nursing professions. This area is also often understaffed in everyday working life and the employees are therefore also overworked,” says Mjka and emphasizes that a health minister who only improves the situation for nursing professions has not understood the health care system. “Day after day, we see superhuman work being done by our home care aides. There is no difference to the caregivers. That this occupational group is not taken into account, although it is indispensable for a functioning social system of care, is absolutely incomprehensible,” says Jelena Bostan, works councilor at Volkshilfe Vienna and initiator of the petition. Her petition, as well as that of vida, which ran until the end of the review period for the nursing reform yesterday, was signed by 4,000 people within a week.

For the patients in the hospitals, the clients in the handicapped facilities or the mobile services and the home residents it makes no difference whether home helps, midwives, occupational therapists or X-ray assistants are missing. “All professional groups are important for good nursing and care. Therefore, they all deserve real appreciation and good working conditions,” conclude trade unionist Mjka and works councilor Bostan.

Trade union vida/public relations
Martin Mandl
Mobile: 0660/52 12 646
[email protected]

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