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Tourism in Vienna: 1.2 million overnight stays in May


Vienna (OTS/RK) – With around 1.2 million overnight stays, this year’s May brought an arithmetical plus of 660% compared to the same month in 2021, reaching three quarters of the overnight volume of May 2019. From January to May 2022, around 3.6 million overnight stays (+705% compared to 2021) were counted. Net sales of accommodation establishments are evaluated from January to April: they amount to about 135 million euros (+459%), with April contributing about 59 million euros (+979%).

This year’s May brought about 1.2 million overnight stays and thus an increase of 660% compared to the previous year’s May, in which the accommodation establishments were closed for leisure guests until the middle of the month. Thus, the May result corresponds to 74% of the overnight stays from May 2019. Austria tops the list of the ten markets with the highest volume with 283,000 overnight stays (+289% compared to the same month in 2021), closely followed by Germany (263,000, +677%). May values of the other top 10 this year: USA (64,000, +2125%), Italy (33,000, +1224%), Ukraine (29,000, +1946%), Great Britain (42,000, +2102%), Spain (27,000, +1520%), France (32,000, +1586%), Israel (31,000, +2566%) and Switzerland (32,000, +1085%). For the year to date (January to May), Vienna has recorded 3,648,000 overnight stays, an increase of 705% compared to 2021.

The net overnight revenue of Viennese accommodation establishments amounted to 58,744,000 euros in April (data for May is not yet available), which is an arithmetical increase of 979% compared to the same period last April. In the period from January to April, the establishments were able to generate 134,752,000 euros – 459% more than in the same period of 2021. The average occupancy rate of hotel beds in May was 50.6% (05/2021: 10.5%), that of rooms around 66% (05/2021: around 14%). In the period from January to May, bed occupancy was 33% (1-5/2021: 6.9%), while room occupancy was around 43% (1-5/2021: around 9%). In total, around 62,500 hotel beds were offered in Vienna this May, around 21,500 beds more than in May 2021.

This media info incl. table as a Word file for download can be found [here.]

The current key figures in full for all surveyed origin markets are available at:

Walter Straßer
Tel. +43 – 1 -211 14 – 111
[email protected]

Verena Hable
Tel. +43 – 1 -211 14 – 363
[email protected]

Marie-Therese Tropsch
Tel. +43 1 211 14 – 117
[email protected]

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The post Tourism in Vienna: 1.2 million overnight stays in May appeared first on TOP News Austria – News from Austria and around the world.


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