“One’s own credibility will not be regained even by super-teaching criticism of the opposition”
Vienna (OTS/SK) – “The fact that the club leader of the governing Green Party in an APA interview deals exclusively with the largest opposition party instead of the major crises, above all the current inflation, is indicative of the catastrophic state of the government. From Klubobfrau Maurer and her aggressive accusations against the SPÖ speaks the despair; no wonder in view of the worst confidence values, which had a government ever”, says deputy club chairman Jörg Leichtfried. Own topics, proposals or approaches to solutions are not presented, instead polemics against the opposition parties. “This is all just more helpless and haphazard. For months, there was only silence on the part of the government with regard to rising prices; measures such as price caps were repeatedly rejected. Now the ÖVP and the Greens are hobbling along behind the SPÖ’s proposals. The Corona management is also disastrous. This is a government without responsibility, without a social conscience,” Leichtfried said. ****
The Greens often act as mere recipients of orders from the ÖVP. Instead of social and humane politics, it is only about holding on to government functions. There is a lack of understanding for the dramatic problems of the population due to inflation, in the matter of Corona all measures were cancelled under pressure from the ÖVP, and out of fear of the voters, the Greens make the ÖVP bricklayers at every accusation of corruption. “One’s own credibility will not be regained by supercilious criticism of the opposition. Actually Klubobfrau Maurer and the government factions as a whole should now have done something else – namely relieve the population and operate a responsible Corona management. The SPÖ’s proposals for this are on the table,” Leichtfried said. (Conclusion) ah
SPÖ Parliamentary Club
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